La rete interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare, promuove la conoscenza e il dibattito relativo al paesaggio e ai processi che lo modificano. Adotta iniziative per proposte di progettazione, di sviluppo e di tutela. Per questo motivo, le Alpi, i parchi e le aree protetti costituiscono le priorità del forum.di più

Immagine: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comdi più

News FoLAP


Stadt und Land verbinden am Wohlensee bei Bern

Einzigartige Landschaften in Wert setzen

Umweltbildung, Erholungsräume, Abenteuer – in unserer Landschaft lässt sich dank spannender Angebote viel erleben. Für diese Angebote braucht es innovative Ideen und engagierte Menschen, die sie tatkräftig umsetzen. In einem

Immagine: Bern Welcome
Landschaft (Symbolbild)

Where is the wolf? A multi-method comparison of social values and perceptions in a Swiss park

This article presents our recent experience studying public perceptions, discourses, and social values in Park Beverin, a Regional Nature Park in Switzerland. We applied four social research methods (news media

Immagine: momosu,
Broadening the horizon in land use change modelling: Normative scenarios for nature positive futures in Switzerland

Broadening the horizon in land use change modelling: Normative scenarios for nature positive futures in Switzerland

Within scenario-based research of social-ecological systems, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of normative scenarios that define positive outcomes for both nature and society. These scenarios stand


Forum Paesaggio, Alpi, Parchi (FoLAP)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna

The file landscape of the Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks offers an overview of current topics and discourses in the field of landscape. It contains scientific reports, fact sheets and publications from research centers, research-related institutions, internationally recognized bodies and federal offices. It is aimed at policy makers, the scientific community, landscape practitioners and the interested public.