La rete interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare, promuove la conoscenza e il dibattito relativo al paesaggio e ai processi che lo modificano. Il Forum comprende le regioni montane e le aree circostanti, le regioni (peri-)urbane e rurali e le interrelazioni tra queste aree.di più

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ICAS – Archivio

The predecessor organisation of the Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks (FoLAP) is the Interacademic Commission for Alpine Research (ICAS). It was founded in 1999. Even then (as well as today), the activities of ICAS were financially supported by SCNAT and the Swiss Academy of Humanities (SAGW) and generously supported by the Federal Office for the Environment. In 2017, SCNAT considered the reorganisation of research on the Alps and protected areas and decided to set up a new forum bringing together all the bodies active in these areas.
The new Forum Lanschaft Alpen Pärke (FoLAP) of SCNAT has taken over the tasks of ICAS in 2019.