La rete interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare, promuove la conoscenza e il dibattito relativo al paesaggio e ai processi che lo modificano. Il Forum comprende le regioni montane e le aree circostanti, le regioni (peri-)urbane e rurali e le interrelazioni tra queste aree.di più

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The Board of Trustees is the strategic body of the Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks. The members are elected by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT). The Board of Trustees includes representatives from research and practice.

V.l.n.r. Felix Herzog, Agroscope; Dominik Siegrist, OST; Ulrike Sturm, Präsidentin FoLAP & HSLU; Matthias Stremlow, BAFU; Patrick Schoeck, BSLA; Annemarie Bucher, ZHdK & FOA_FLUX; Urs Steiger, Steiger texte konzepte beratung; Evelyn Coleman Brantschen, BFH; Bernhard Tschofen, UZH
V.l.n.r. Felix Herzog, Agroscope; Dominik Siegrist, OST; Ulrike Sturm, Präsidentin FoLAP & HSLU; Matthias Stremlow, BAFU; Patrick Schoeck, BSLA; Annemarie Bucher, ZHdK & FOA_FLUX; Urs Steiger, Steiger texte konzepte beratung; Evelyn Coleman Brantschen, BFH; Bernhard Tschofen, UZHImmagine: Andres Jordi


Forum Paesaggio, Alpi, Parchi (FoLAP)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna