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The tourism of the future

Horizons No. 140

It is a curse, because we travellers are destroying the very thing we want to experience: the authenticity of the local culture and untouched nature. This issue of Horizons illustrates this dilemma, which the English writer John Ruskin already lamented in 1850. The many visitors were disfiguring the Alps. And the destruction continues today: travelling to the ski resorts is itself contributing to the fact that there is less and less snow due to global warming. Could a virtual visit to a destination with 3D video for VR glasses replace a real trip?

Horizons No. 140 (German)
  • “These days, we’re more interested in experiences than in things”
  • There is strength in preserving beauty
  • I too am a tourist
  • “Tourism is the industry of beautiful appearances”
  • When tourism becomes a burden
  • Curtain up on the theatre of dreams!
  • Gadgets for near and far


  • Turismo
Inglese, Tedesco, Francese