La rete interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare, promuove la conoscenza e il dibattito relativo al paesaggio e ai processi che lo modificano. Adotta iniziative per proposte di progettazione, di sviluppo e di tutela. Per questo motivo, le Alpi, i parchi e le aree protetti costituiscono le priorità del forum.di più

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eco.mont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management, Vol. 1 No. 2

Many, if not all, managers and administrations of protected areas are concerned with two main issues. First, protecting the natural resources within their sphere of responsibility and agency, i.e. the quintessential task of a protected area. Sec- ondly, with the issue of sustainable use of their territory. Responses to these issues come together in practical management that includes the option of “doing nothing” and which is based on weighing up the parameters controlling these two issues.

eco.mont Vol. 1 No. 2


  • Alpi
  • Parchi naturali