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Open Science in Switzerland: Opportunities and Challenges

This Factsheet contains recommendations to shape Open Access and Open Data so that they foster scientific progress and benefit society in Switzerland.

Open Science in Switzerland: Opportunities and Challenges
Immagine: Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

The factsheet addresses the scientific community, science organisations and decisionmakers. Key recommendations concern the promotion of Open Access schemes to disseminate scientific results as widely as possible, alternative cooperation and financing models for scientists and publishers, publishing under Creative Commons (CC) licenses, reward mechanisms for Open Access publications and data management work as well as issues related to data storage.

This factsheet will be presented at a panel discussion on Friday, 13 September, in the House of Academies. Participants: Rafael Ball (ETH Library), Daniel Marty (Swiss Journal of Geosciences), Sabine Süsstrunk (EPF Lausanne) and Franck Vazquez (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute MDPI).

Fonte: Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (2019) Open Science in Switzerland: Opportunities and Challenges. Swiss Academies Factsheet 14 (2).

Open Science in Switzerland: Opportunities and Challenges


  • cultura della scienza
  • Open Science