Le réseau national inter- et transdisciplinaire promeut la connaissance et le discours sur le paysage et les processus de changement de paysage. Il inclut les régions de montagne et leurs alentours, les régions (péri)urbaines et rurales ainsi que les interactions entre ces espaces.en plus

Image : Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comen plus

AlpWeek 2024 Report

The key outcomes of the AlpWeek 2024, an international event co-organised by various Alpine organisations (including ISCAR), are documented in a report that is now available

AlpWeek 2024
Image : Studio Cimet

The report highlights the main tools and ideas that were discussed during the AlpWeek. It focuses on the three priorities of the Multi-Annual Work Programme (2023–2030) of the Alpine Conference (MAP): Biodiversity, Climate Action, Quality of Life. Under the theme “Alps in Our Hands”, over 200 participants united in Nova Gorica in September 2024 to advance the implementation of the MAP. The event reaffirmed that safeguarding the Alps requires bold ideas, cross-border collaboration, innovative policies, and active community involvement.



Dr. Elisa Frank
Forum Paysage, Alpes, Parcs (FoLAP)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne