Le réseau national inter- et transdisciplinaire promeut la connaissance et le discours sur le paysage et les processus de changement de paysage. Il inclut les régions de montagne et leurs alentours, les régions (péri)urbaines et rurales ainsi que les interactions entre ces espaces.en plus

Image : Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comen plus

eco.mont - new issue

A new issue of eco.mont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management is out.

Cover eco.mont 17-1 (2025)
Image : eco.mont

Issue 17-1 (2025) of eco.mont examines the integration of ecomuseums into protected areas, with a focus on Italy's Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Nature Park (Parcopan). While governance challenges persist in areas like the Golfo di Orosei and Gennargentu National Park, efforts to preserve heritage and promote tourism are steadily increasing. The rise of nature-based tourism and outdoor recreation emphasizes the need to balance conservation and sustainable use, as exemplified by trail planning challenges in Turkey's Kaçkar Mountains. Similarly, biodiversity in China's karst tropical rainforests and Romania's Iron Gates Natural Park highlights the criticial importance of sustainable management, with the latter noting a sharp decline in newt populations despite its overall ecological richness. Also very worth reading: the editorial by Stefanie Gubler, Head of the Research Commission of the Swiss National Park (FOK SNP) and new co-editor of eco.mont.



Dr. Stefanie Gubler
Commission de recherche du Parc national suisse (FOK-SNP)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne
