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Factsheet «New plant breeding techniques for Swiss agriculture – significant potential, uncertain future»

The genetic makeup of plants can be modified precisely by means of new breeding techniques. Typically, these changes could also occur naturally and, in the process, no genetic material that is unrelated to the species remains in the plant. The techniques significantly broaden the possibilities for plant breeding, thereby potentially helping to make Swiss agriculture more environmentally friendly, economically viable and ultimately more sustainable.1 As some varieties developed by using the new breeding techniques already exist and new ones are expected to follow shortly, it is imperative to determine whether or not plants engineered by means of these new techniques are subject to the Gene Technology Act. From a natural scientific point of view, there is no reason for a strict regulation of plants bred in this fashion.

Factsheet «New plant breeding techniques for Swiss agriculture – significant potential, uncertain future»

Fonte: Swiss Academies of Sciences (2016) New plant breeding techniques for Swiss agriculture – significant potential, uncertain future. Swiss Academies Factsheets 11 (4).


  • Coltivazione
  • Organismi geneticamente modificati (OGM)
  • Piante utili
  • Produzione vegetale
  • Tecnologia genetica
Inglese, Tedesco, Francese