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The Research Commission of the Swiss National Park is happy about new research projects!

Until 27.01.2023

Val Müstair and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Engiadina Val Müstair can now be submitted.

Auszäunungsexperiment im Schweizerischen Nationalpark
Immagine: WSL

The Swiss National Park, the Regional Nature Park Biosfera Val Müstair and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve are exciting research areas. This region is very well suited to better understand natural processes and the functioning of ecosystems, to identify direct and indirect effects of human use and activities and to manage them in terms of conservation goals, as well as to understand the interaction of economy, society, nature and culture and to use them for the sustainable development of the region. Read more in our research concept.

Would you like to carry out a research project? We look forward to receiving your project application via the online form, which we will be happy to review. We ask that you complete the form no later than January 27, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact us at
