Acting as a national inter- and transdisciplinary network, the forum promotes knowledge and discourse about landscape and landscape-changing processes. It includes mountain areas and their surroundings, (peri-)urban and rural regions, as well as the interrelations between these spaces.more

Image: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.commore

ForumAlpinum 2014

Alpine resources: Use, valorisation and management from local to macro-regional scale


Darfo Boario Terme, Italien

The ForumAlpinum 2014 will focus on the valorisation, use and management of Alpine resources from local to macro-regional scale. The ongoing elaboration of a macro-regional strategy for the Alpine region will be a backbone for discussing Alpine resource issues, as well as future orientations in research and macro-regional cooperation e.g. within the Alpine Space Programme 2014 – 2020.

rock mountains alps
Image: M. Bolliger

Plenary sessions and thematic workshops will focus on questions as: How can Alpine regions better valorise their resources? What should we learn from past resource use? What are the main challenges of resource management in the future? What are best models of governance regarding sustainable use of Alpine resources?

The ForumAlpinum 2014 will offer a platform for the dialogue between science and policy, including politicians from Alpine states and regions, the EU and the Alpine Convention, addressing requirements and perspectives for the integration of resource policies into the macro-regional strategy and action plans.

On behalf of the organizers and the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (ISCAR), you are cordially invited to participate and to contribute to the manifold discussions addressing Alpine resources. The picturesque Val Camonica and the Congress Centre of Darfo Boario Terme will provide an inspiring setting.


  • Alps
  • Management


Standard fee / Student fee
1 day EUR 50 / EUR 30
2 days EUR 80 / EUR 50
3 days EUR 100 / EUR 60
excursion half-day EUR 30 / EUR 20
excursion full-day EUR 50 / EUR 30
Languages: English, German, Italian, Slovenian, French