Acting as a national inter- and transdisciplinary network, the forum promotes knowledge and discourse about landscape and landscape-changing processes. It includes mountain areas and their surroundings, (peri-)urban and rural regions, as well as the interrelations between these spaces.more

Image: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.commore

Fmr. Swiss Park Research

Logo von Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
Swiss Park Research aims to support the research projects of the parks of national significance and other protected areas (eg. UNESCO World Heritage) and to support them in their collaborations on priority topics.
The coordination office Swiss Park Research encourages the dialogue between science and practice and supports the parks in the area of research. For this, it offers an information platform on completed, ongoing and new research projects. The research topics that deal with aspects of regional sustainable development and that are relevant to a comparative study of several parks have been concentrated in a thematic catalogue. It is a thematic basis for collaboration between science, administration and management of the parks. In addition, the needs in research of the parks are collected and the results of park research that are relevant to the practice are placed at their disposal. Swiss Park Research is organizationally based at the Forum Landscape, Alps and Parks of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT).

Year founded: 2009


Fmr. Swiss Park Research
c/o Dr. Elisa Frank
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern